The world is cold – or maybe that’s just me.

It’s a nice, sunny November day today, but the air is cold.  Very, very, extremely, awfully cold.  I’m one of those people who are always cold, no matter the weather, and I don’t like it.  Because of this, I do whatever it takes to keep warm.  I wear an incredible amount of layers at all times, I eat oatmeal and soup a lot, I drink hot liquids, I wear extra socks, sit on my hands to keep them warm….you get it.  My workplace is freezing cold, and I complain whenever possible, but since the boss isn’t here today, my only choice was tea.  So I go in the little kitchenette to make my tea, all happy and feeling good, grab the milk from the tiny fridge – it’s frozen solid.  A frozen milk brick.  So I laugh, although devastated as I tell my colleague, who so wisely defrosted the thing yesterday and then cranked it back up.  Genius, buddy.  So he hands me one of those little creamer cups, so I thought Gross, but I’ll try it.  The stuff came out in clumps!  Yum. 

So, I’m pretty p.o’d at this point.  I was going to make a green tea, but didn’t want to eff that up, too.  Instead, I grabbed a little milk box thingy.  Its organic fortified Soy beverage; it tastes yucky and it’s filled with sugar.  It also comes with a strange little straw.  So, needless to say I am going downtown for coffee!


Is it Friday yet?

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